Sabtu, 08 November 2008

How to Strip Fat and Lose Weight Forever by Chris_Conklin

Let's face it you guys, there is no quick cure for the weight gains that have been challenging us for so many years. You can't take a pill and expect miracles to happen within your body. It takes a little bit of hard work and the right tools to keep us all motivated. My name is Chris, and I'm here to tell you right now that I have found the tool which will supercharge your body to strip the fat and get rid of your excess weight. I am talking about Sandbags.

Sandbags have been around, as a training tool, for years but were shoved to the rear because the "Fitness Industry" said that you should be using their machines as a method for weight loss. But if you are like me, you don't like being cooped up in a gym that is too loud and smells like sweat. Here is a tool that you can use anywhere,the park, beach, etc.. and it costs about as much as one month membership to a gym.

One simple tool that you fill with sand to your desired weight, that can be used hundreds of different ways for a challenging and weight stripping workout. Right now, professional Athletes, Elite Military personnel, Fashion Models and Celebrities all utilize sandbag training. A sandbag workout can be completed in as little as 15 minutes, and you will feel as though you just spent hours. Three times a week for a month and you will look in the mirror and see a completely different person.

-Can the non-athlete utilize sandbags for weight loss?
Anyone from stay at home moms to the regular Joe can use sandbags to effectively get themselves fit and lose weight.

-I am a woman and I don't want to get big muscles
Just like training in a gym, lower weight and more repetitions will serve to melt the weight right off your body.

-I suffer from a sore back and don't know if this would be right for me
Chances are your sore back is a result of a week core. The body's center that keeps everything nice and tight. Functional training with the Sandbag will challenge your bodies core, more than sit-ups ever will, and tighten up your midsection so that a sore back will be a thing of the past.
I am here to tell you that I have used Sandbags for just over two months now and have lost over 15 pounds and two inches off my waist. Stop waisting your money on pills and diets that will never work and go challenge yourself 15 minutes a day, three times a week, and you too will be on your way to stripping the fat and losing the weight.

For more information on Sandbags and how they are right for you go to

Chris Conklin is an accomplished Rugby player whose goal is to help people achieve the weight loss that they have always wanted. Struggling with extra weight for so many years, he feels he has a good handle on it now and wants to help others achieve their goals. He wants people to know that there is no such thing as a quick fix and that pills and fad diets will never work. He believes that if you put in a little hard work you will be rewarded dearly for your efforts

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