Sabtu, 08 November 2008

How to Successfully Diet by Ben_Little

The definition of Diet is the Type and volume of food prescribed for a person for a specific reason.

Within the context of weight loss, the term diet covers all exact requirements for the preparation of food for promoting a good, healthy measure for the loss of weight.

Within the world today there are many diet plans created by all different shaped and sized people. The Dieting Doctor has independently researched the top 10 diets out there today which range from:

• 5-Factor Diet,
• South Beach Diet,
• Bob Greene's Best Life Diet,
• Atkins Diet,
• Cabbage Soup Diet,
• Anne Collin's diet,
• Carbohydrate Addict's Diet,
• Size Zero Diet,
• Fat Smash Diet.

Quite a lot of diets today are intuitively designed and created by parties. The parties can consist of certain publishers, producers or suppliers of supplements or constituents of the diet that have purely created a diet to gain some form of commercial profit. Many of the diets and supplements created by these companies are indeed very accurate, successful and safe to follow. A great example which The Dieting Doctor has brought to you is Proactol©. A world leading supplier of an effective, 28% fat binding appetite suppressing supplement.

There are several popular FAD diets in circulation which are all for fast weight loss in the shortest period of time, neither healthy nor reliable. Through the use of scientifically proven weight loss diets and supplements (Proactol) you can be sure to lose weight effectively and permanently.

In order to have an effective diet, there are major sections which much be taken into high consideration. The three sections consist of:

• Carbohydrates,
• Proteins,
• Fats.

Without a doubt the bodies' main energy provider is the carbohydrates; proteins are just available for the general repair and growth of the body cells and general maintenance of the body, fats are a rich source of energy which shouldn't be un-accounted for during your diet, read further on for The Dieting Doctor to explain. A well balanced diet states that the 3 values should be considered in the appropriate proportions; it will also include water. Water is vitally important to life - your metabolic reactions and other functions depend critically on adequate water. Your body is 80% worth of water so why wouldn't you stop taking water during a diet? You will find that many FAD diets out there consist of dieting yourself instructively to loose extra "Water Mass" which in turn, is exceptionally dangerous and very un-healthy for your body. This will lead to dehydration, a very slow metabolism and increased fatigue.

A well thought out and balanced diet will consist of carbohydrates provided from healthy sources, which will account for about 40 to 60 percent of the calorie requirement of the body per day. Vegetables, legumes, fruits (The darker the better) and whole grains are good sources of carbohydrates; they provide fibre that is also exceptionally good for various functions of the body.

The other unhealthy sources of carbohydrates which we know has "sweets", such as desserts, sugar and frizzy drinks should be avoided or limited in very small quantities; they cause hormonal imbalance and leads to long term obesity which also promotes fattening to the arteries and blood clots.

Just as in the episode of carbohydrates, there are certain good proteins and certain bad proteins. Good proteins will provide you with all the essential amino acids that you need for and are contained in organic sources such as meat, fish, eggs, poultry; please note that processed meats should be avoided. About 10 to 30 percent of your diets calorie intake should be met from these food sources.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the fatty essential acids that stimulate your immune system. These fatty acids also help fight inflammations, and are extremely beneficial to the functioning of heart and brainpower. Try to avoid or limit the use of unhealthy fats such as those from processed foods and hydrogenated oils that are found in many "Un-healthy" frozen choices. The last 20 - 30 percent of your calorie intake should be from the healthy fatty acid sources as explained above.

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