Rabu, 03 September 2008

How to Get a Sexy Female Body That Turn Blokes Heads by tony leong

If you are tired of your flabby body, here is what you need to do in order to get an ultra sexy female body.

Having a sexy and sculpted body is in the trend now as compared to last time where super skinny body is popular. If you want to change your body from the twig look a like to curvy body or if you want to change your plump body to a more toned and firm body, this article is for you as we discover some healthy and cool ways to get a body that can turn blokes heads.

You have to start weight lifting weights if you want to sculpt your body and lose body fat. Building lean muscle mass is the only way to go if you really want to have some curves.

You do not have to worry that you will put on bulk. Females do not have high testosterone levels like men do. With proper training you will put at the most half a pound of muscle mass per month and considering you are doing everything right.

Do not worry if you have put on some weight on the scales. Muscles weight heavier than body fat and they take up less space than body fat. You will be glad to know that you will be heavier but look smaller. Not to mentioned with tones muscles that other women will die to have.

The second step you can take to change your body to fat burning furnace is to cardiovascular training. Not just any training but a high intensity interval training type.

There are some people that spend hours in the gym, which is not necessary.

A high quality high intensity interval training cardiovascular workout only requires 20 minutes. With that requirement, you should not come up with any more excuse not to do it. Would you like to spend twenty minutes wasting your time in front of the television getting nowhere or twenty minutes on the cardio machine changing your body?

High intensity interval training is very easy to do. All you need to do is to do 10 intervals of 1-minute sprint and one-minute jog. Remember, it is sprint really hard and not just a normal run. This type of cardiovascular training gets you out of your comfort zone training and stimulates body fat burn.

It will be tough but the results are well worth it.

Let us talk about diet. You do not really have to follow the low carbohydrate rule or the high protein low carbohydrate diet.

You can enjoy your carbohydrates as long as you keep them in small amounts and keep them as complex as you can. Brown rice is always better than white rice and whole wheat bread is better than just eating white bread. Your muscles need the carbohydrates to restore the glucose levels after your hard training session anyways.

You can have some bad carbohydrates once a while just make sure you only enjoy it after a hard workout. Then you really deserve the treat.

Do not assume fat the biggest culprit of all. It does not mean that you do not consume fat you would not get fat.

Females tend to burn more body fat when going on a lower carbohydrate diet and consume more healthy fats. If you think you are doing a favor to yourself by eating loads of low fat food, think again.

In most cases, food produces put in loads of sugar to make the food taste good. This is because the food does not taste so good when it contains less fat. So what happens? Your insulin level will shoot up. Insulin is the hormone in the body that converts glucose into fat in your body.

By consuming slightly higher healthy fats, moderate protein and moderate complex carbohydrates, you will be able to keep the insulin levels in check and turn your body into super fat burning mode.

Finally, to make the bloke's head turn, you need to work the butt muscles.

You cannot get sexy curvy butt by spending the entire time in the gym on the Stairmaster. The butt muscle is the largest muscle on the body and it needs to be trained just like any body part you have. You need to do weights and train butt to make it toned and curvy.

Focus on doing barbell squats, dumbbell lunges and leg presses. These exercises engage the butt muscles the most and if you train hard enough, you will get butt of steel in no time.

In conclusion, if you want a well-toned body, you need to include weights, proper cardiovascular training, and proper nutrition knowledge.

Even celebrities hop on the weight-training wagon to get their sexy body. Well, the can afford personal trainers but for the rest of us, there are lots of excellent fat loss programs out there that are very affordable.

Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/weightlosssecrets to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Leong

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